“…In 2003 an Ascended Master from the pristine realm

of the One came to give me an extraordinary invitation.”

In September 2003, an Ascended Master from the pristine realm of the One came to give me an extraordinary invitation. He came into the Earth realm through the channel Adrianna, my best friend. He was the teacher that I had long sought, and he came to guide me for the rest of my life.

His purpose was to entrust me with a new form for feeling and understanding truth that would simplify the great complexities and mysteries of Earth and the human experience.

He offered navigational tools that create peace, freedom, and healing for the individual and the collective. He knew I had both the capacity to embrace this new form and the ability to teach others how to do the same. My teacher’s name is Baharah, and he called the new form the “Heart and Mind.”

The Invitation chronicles the first two years of my unusual spiritual expedition.

“I came to understand the teachings of the Heart

and Mind, and the truths and laws therein.”

Written as a true-life adventure, it opens with the arrival of my ethereal teacher and then takes the reader through myriad experiences in faraway lands both terrestrial and celestial. The book illustrates how, through the natural unfoldment of my life, I came to understand the teachings of the Heart and Mind, and the truths and laws therein.

They were given in accordance with my readiness in moments of worry, confusion, and distress so that I might have greater comfort. My story demonstrates how throughout my travels and in everyday occurrences, I explored, felt, experienced, integrated, and implemented Baharah’s new form of understanding until it became the very breath of my existence.

Through my deep understanding of the Heart and Mind form, I slowly began to leave my adaptive personality and the illusionary realm of non-truth from which it was created.

“Over time, I entered more fully into the realm of the Heart.”

Over time, I entered more fully into the realm of the Heart. In this chosen reality, I regained full remembrance of my divine self within the human experience and came into the fulfillment of my life’s purpose.

My transformation took me from all that was not real into all that was real, allowing me to become a limitless expression of love on Earth.

In its simplicity, The Invitation is a personal story about a quest for truth. Like all thrilling adventures, it includes the war between good and evil, journeys to faraway lands, and mysteries revealed.

And in the end, the heroine emerges triumphant, not by sacrificing her life for others, but by saving her own, and in so doing, changing the course of the world.

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