“Within the DNA is the collective unconsciousness of the
entire human race, the entire history of repetitious existence.”
The guru, Sri Guruji, says this on the premise of my book: “Modern science through its research and experience has concluded that the DNA holds the key to the characteristics that mold us into human beings.
They have also come to know that within the DNA is the collective unconsciousness of the entire human race, the entire history of repetitious existence.
In other words, in order to ensure the continuation of its species, humans passed on (through their DNA) the remembrance of all that had been created along with the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that developed in order to adapt to and survive those creations.”
Within the DNA of repetitious existence is an innate battle blueprint and impulses through which to combat external hostile forces. It’s an ingenious internal design that requires no installation. You are simply Born With It. I named the collective consciousness of repetitious existence (CCRE) “The Human Stain.”
“I realized that all children are responding to the encoding
from the CCRE, and so are a massive population of caregivers.”
As a psychotherapist for 30 years, specializing in childhood disorders and their treatment, I became acutely aware that parents lacked sufficient education regarding child development and child-rearing, and the amount they had was plagued with faulty criteria and procedures.
The manifestation of this epidemic of illiteracy is children who are either dependent, anxious, fearful, insecure, chaotic, entitled, self-absorbed, aggressive, violent to self and others, self-deprecating, or a combination thereof.
Not only are they not seen as a spirit with a human, they’re seen as a human not yet significant, without innate power, knowing, capability, or wisdom. Because of this, very little is expected of them and very little is gotten of them.
After the discovery of The Human Stain, I realized that all children are responding to the encoding from the CCRE, and so are a massive population of caregivers.
If children are only one thing—a human encoded with the Human Stain for survival—their behavior and expressions would either be seen as good or bad depending on the culture they reside in.
“…All beings come into this world with the Human Stain.”
In some cultures, their “natural” behaviors are seen as right, good, important, necessary, innate, and developmentally sound, thus becoming socially and culturally accepted and made consensus. In other cultures, their “natural” behaviors are seen as wrong, bad, unnecessary, innate, and developmentally disabling.
Throughout all cultures on Earth, the behaviors of children are the same because all beings come into this world with the Human Stain. The culture the child is born into determines whether or not they’re good or bad, depending on the values the culture deems acceptable.
The child’s natural expression is revered or punished, conditioned to either thrive or be annihilated. Almost no one sees the child for who he or she really is. And while the spirit enters into a species with a Human Stain, the spirit will always be larger than the Human Stain is.
From this exploration and study, I designed a new parenting perspective that understands that all children are spirits who have a human, living within a species that is imbued with a genetic, survival, and spiritual DNA.
And while the first two DNAs are a necessary survival code, they aren’t the measure of who we are and what we’re capable of.
From this, I created a philosophy and modality for parenting the spirit of a child and not its human.